About Us
Hi! We are Miguel and Darcey, the founders of Roam Conversions. Since meeting in 2021, we converted a van and spent most of our weekends off work travelling and living for adventure.
The more time we spent in our van, the more enthralled we became by van life and the freedom it brings. We decided that we eventually wanted to become full-time van lifers whilst giving others the chance to do the same. The many late-night conversations in our van, dreaming of freedom and full-time travel has directly inspired the creation of Roam conversions.
Miguel has spent the last 8 years working in construction and is experienced in several different trades, his main specialism being carpentry. Since graduating, Darcey has worked in mental health and community support roles, feeding her creative spirit through part-time digital content creation. As a couple, we share the same dream of building a successful business that gives us the freedom to live life on our terms. Miguel’s experience in construction, coupled with Darcey’s passion for design and content creation has inspired us to start a business that gives others the freedom to roam the world as they desire!
We wish everyone who enters our competition the best of luck!
Miguel & Darcey xxx
581 days3999 remaining1 / 4000Current odds of winning: 1 in 4000
574 days5000 remaining0 / 5000Current odds of winning: 1 in 5000